Monday, July 23, 2007

And speaking of birthdays.....

Last Friday was another big day for a member of our family. You see, my husband, Mark turned a year older. He keeps teasing me that he's trying to catch up to me. Funny Mark! Well here are a few pictures of the 'Birthday Boy' as Emma called him.

First of all, Emma and Braiden gave Mark a little gift bag filled with Tootsie Rolls. You see Mark likes Tootsie Rolls. Of course in Minnesota June and July it is parade time. Emma and Braiden were busy gathering all the Tootsie Rolls they could at the parades for Mark. Also, Emma painted Mark a picture. She spent a week on it. Jennifer said she would get the painting out each day and
worked on it for the week. Finally, on Friday she said, "Okay, I'm done with Mark's picture."

Well, here's another picture of Mark with a shirt Jennifer found for him. You see, ever since I met Mark, he's had a joke he'd tell whenever anyone ever brought up the topic of losing weight or getting into shape. He'd say, "My doctor told me I need to get into shape. I told him ROUND is a shape." Jennifer & Shantel loved that one. They'd always try to get him to tell it. I think he finally caught on to them. We love you Mark! Well, anyhow, Jennifer found the perfect shirt for Mark, it says, "I'm in shape - Round is a shape". How perfect!

We had a fun evening. Grilled steaks and potatoes, went bowling, played Phase 10 and had a few drinks. Great times. On Friday night Mark's kids came over for a Mexican Fiesta to celebrate his day. It's something we all love and it didn't involve grilling, so I knew I could give Mark the night off from cooking. Of course, we all ate too much, but it was sooooooo good!

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Life List

  • To go on a cruise with Mark someday
  • To visit Hawaii someday
  • To work harder on maintaining the relationships I have
  • To start writing, journaling, poetry and children's books
  • To start living a more healthy life style