Sunday, May 19, 2019

I chose this quote to write about today because I think we all often say things that sometimes would of been better to have kept to ourselves. Once we speak the thoughts we may have or say the things we may feel, we can never take them back. Words can be very hurtful, sometimes even more hurtful than a slap or a punch. A slap or a punch may be forgotten once the sting of the slap or the pain of the punch are gone. A person might become a little more careful when approaching someone who slapped or punch them, but eventually they will forget about how it felt. On the other hand, the words they heard will stay with them. Over time the words can really bring a person down. They may start believing those words. They may think of the words spoken every time they are near the person who said so cruelly spoke those words to them. Even when you apologize for your words, they may still linger on their mind and in their heart.

When you become frustrated with someone, whether they are a friend, family member or stranger, it would be better to keep what you might be thinking to yourself. There is an old saying, "If you can't say anything nice, than say nothing at all." That is something I think we all could work on doing more often. We are living in a time where we are all so busy, always thinking about all we have to do, that I don't think we really take time to think about the impact that our words may have on others. If we all would concentrate on being more positive to everyone we encounter each day, I think we could really make a big difference in the happiness of others and ultimately our own happiness. If we are making negative remarks or putting others down, then we are also bringing ourselves down. By saying rude things to others, we are setting ourselves up to be negative and that will definitely affect how we feel about ourselves.

I am going to ask everyone to accept the following challenge. When you catch yourself about to make a negative comment to someone, stop and walk away or better yet, stop and say something positive to that person.This will take a very conscious effort on your part. You may have to start out by really focusing on this challenge for little bits of time throughout your day. This applies to those comments you might make directly to a person, those comments you might make about a person to someone else, or just those comments you might make just in general to anyone around. Please try this for one week staring with just one day at a time. I can guarantee you that you will make a difference in the lives or others, but most importantly, you will improve your own life immensely. I too am taking this challenge, for I know there are times that I could be more positive to those around me and make a difference in their lives.

This past week working in a long-term subbing job I took, I encountered such a time. I had a student that was really pushing me to the limit. This student was bothering other students, saying things to them that was upsetting them. This student seemed unable to follow my simplest direction and I noticed other teachers in the hall telling him to behave. I was constantly correcting him, telling him to sit down, asking him to behave. Then I stopped and thought about his situation. He was completing his last week at our school and on the weekend would be leaving his home here and moving to Africa. I had him stay back when everyone left for recess. I talked a little bit about his moving and he shared that he was a little scared of moving and worried about not being there for the end of the year auction to cash in his bonus bucks. I made a deal with him to cash in his bonus bucks early and also asked if it would be alright if I brought in some cookies for him to share with his classmates on his last day. His face lit up. I told him I would bring the cookies in and just place them on a predetermined spot on the back shelf and then he could share them with his classmates.  On Friday he shared his cookies and his classmates celebrated him and wished him well and told him they would miss him. There were some cookies left and this boy came to me and asked me if I could save them and give them to the boys who were absent that day. That really touched me, here he was facing a huge change in his life, and he was thinking about the boys who were not there to have a cookie that day.

So let's all try little acts of kindness in memory of all those that are facing some of the most terrifying moments in their lives. If we can start to build up others, maybe be the only kind word they may hear, help them to feel better about themselves, then it will be so worth it. Please try to speak only kind words to everyone you may encounter. That includes those you may say something about even if you think they are not in earshot. By speaking kinder, you will not only be helping others to feel better, but you will begin to feel better yourself. You will also be setting an example for your children, as your children's first teacher is you. You will also be setting an example for those you work with or friends you may hang out with. Please try my challenge for one week by speaking only kind words to everyone you encounter and together we can make a difference, no matter how small it may be. 

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

I choose this quote today as we have a little less than a month left in school. I think it is words we can all live by, but I especially think it is something we should encourage all of our children and students to do. We need to be sure that everyone feels like they are important and to know that someone really cares about them.

I am spending most of this month in the classrooms at STRIDE. In the past couple of years STRIDE has gone through some amazing changes and it is quite evident when I walk the halls. It is so nice to be greeted by students with them initiating those greetings, or when I tell them to have a good day and they respond back by telling me to have a good day. I have also been asked how my day is going by students I pass in the hall. I am hoping that these exchanges are also happening among the students. I hope that they are encouraging their classmates both inside and outside of the classroom. I have witnessed students stopping in the hall to help another student who has dropped and spilled all their supplies. I have seen students get supplies, books or worksheets for another student who didn't yet have theirs. I have witnessed students encouraging another student to do their best and celebrating with them when they give the right answer.

All of this is a start. It's a start to try and make this a better world. A world in which children will feel safe within the walls of our schools. Feel safe to raise their hand and share their thoughts. Feel safe to read aloud among their peers, even if they might not know a word. Feel safe to try their best, even if they may fail. That these same students will know that people within that school care about them. To know that they will always receive support and understanding within the walls of their classrooms. That the schools in our country will go back to being safe places they once were, when none of us knew what a lockdown was.

So let's start each day with the purpose of making everyone we meet feel like they are somebody and that they are important. In doing this we will also end our day knowing that we are somebody who can truly make a difference.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

It is prom time for my granddaughter. When I reflect on this, it's hard for me to believe that nearly 17 years have flown by since she first arrived on this planet. I remember her playing doctor with the family dog. She'd get Bailey into the bedroom and close the door so he couldn't get out. He was very patient with her as she checked his blood pressure and listened to his heart. I remember her playing with her friends in the neighborhood building friendships. I remember watching her first dance recital, not knowing the wonderful dancer she would develop into. I remember the day my daughter told me that she had noticed Emma seemed to sort of space out at times. She was only five years old. I then started paying attention and noticed what my daughter had pointed out. Jennifer took her into the doctor and they were referred to a clinic in the cities. Jennifer and Josh took Emma there, not fully understanding or knowing they were heading to the Minnesota Epilepsy Clinic. Emma was diagnosed with having mild seizures and put on medication. None of us had a clue that Epilepsy could come out from nowhere. We attended seminars about Epilepsy and read books only to learn that almost anyone can develop Epilepsy. Eventually Emma's seizures were diminished because of the medication. She continued the checkups at the clinic where she was monitored for hours being hooked up to machines. Eventually the seizures stopped and she was taken off the medication. 

Emma continued to dance and she seemed to find something that she was very good at. I had the wonderful chance to watch her dance at recitals and competitions. Throughout all of that, I watched her develop confidence, build teamwork skills and express herself in a way through her dance that brought tears to my eyes. I also watched her excel in her school work and become more involved in activities at school. She is a very good student and takes great pride in all she does. She has found her own way to manage her time to fit everything into her busy schedule. This included joining the cheer leading team and this past year to represent Big Lake as a Big Lake Ambassador. It has been so fun to watch this young women bloom into someone I am proud to know.

So I want her to live this quote, or maybe I should say to continue to live this quote. She already has begun. She has shown all that know her that she truly has a vision for her life and she believes in herself. I hope she continues to set her goals, reach for the stars and aim for whatever it is that makes her happy. I hope that she will continue to believe in herself and stay true to whom she is. I want her to know that I will always support her visions, no matter what they might be. I want her to have strength to stay true to all she believes in and to have the courage to stand tall when others may try to persuade her to sway from those beliefs. I want her to know that true courage comes when you stay true to what you believe deep down in your heart. I want my granddaughter, as I believe most grandmothers do, to follow her dreams, live her visions and to soar high in all she does. 

I hope she has the time of her life this weekend at her first prom. I hope she feels like a the princess I see when I look at her. I hope that this will be a memory that she will relive many times throughout her life. That the day will be magical and she will feel as special as I know she is. I hope she continues to have visions of what she wants her life to be and that she will work hard to fulfill those visions. 

Monday, April 22, 2019

This past week left me time to reflect on importance of family and good relationships. My daughter and family were in Florida for a vacation and a visit with her father. I so enjoyed seeing the beautiful pictures of Jennifer and her family having a wonderful time on their stay in Florida. It was a vacation that they all needed and enjoyed. She posted pictures and after her return commented on how much she enjoyed the time and the chance to build some memories with her family.

Also, it was Easter yesterday and we had family here for brunch. It was great to spend time with family and to see the wonderment in the eyes of grandchildren as they went on an egg hunt and going through their Easter baskets. I also had the opportunity to talk with my sister in Utah, my daughter and we were able to Facetime with Shannon in Mankato. Overall, it was a beautiful day and we are so thankful for our family and proud of the adults they have all grown to be. They are wonder partners to their spouses, fantastic parents to their children and very caring to Mark and I. We so appreciate them and look forward to building more memories with them over the upcoming summer and for years to come.

So I chose this quote for my quote for the week. I think it says it all. We never know what the next day holds in store for us. We need to seize the day, or even more distinctly, the moment. As each moment passes, we need to remember that we will never get that moment back again. Embrace each and every moment, hold the memories you create close to your heart and let those that are important to you, know just how important they are. Build not only your memories, but help your children build memories that they will be able to hold onto for years to come. There are two sayings that many often refer to; 'Live each day as if it were your first.' and 'Live each day as if it were your last.' I think that we should do both. Begin each day with great joy, joy that you were given that day. Joy that you have the chance to make it better than the day before. Joy that you have a chance to undo a wrong you might of made the day before. Joy that you have a day to share with those you love. On the other hand, live today as if it is you last chance leave an impression that others will remember for years to come. Do something special for those important to you. Give a smile and a greeting to someone who appears to be having a bad day, you just might make their day. Take a little time out of the day and do something special for yourself. Call a friend you haven't talked to for a long time. Reach out to someone you need to make amends with and make amends. Make your day really count! 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Well, I have decided to choose an inspirational quote each week that some how either connects to my life or is a message I want to share based on the things that have happened the past week. I want to start focusing more on the positive elements in my life and those positive things around me. I hope that someone reading my blog or seeing my quote on Facebook will also benefit from the words of that quote or the meanings behind the words. 

I chose this one for my daughter. She is an amazing mom, a good friend and devoted to the students she works with. My hope for her, like many of us, is that she can let go of the things that trip her trigger, worry less about the things that may be out of her control, maybe share her burden with someone else to ease some of the stress or to turn her troubles over to God. That she will find more joy in all she does through her busy day. I hope that all my family and friends or anyone reading this can take a little extra time out of their day to enjoy the small things that bring true peace and happiness into their daily lives. 

I mentioned first to let go of the things that may set us off. If you are aware of what those triggers are for you, then either avoid the circumstances or people that will expose you to those triggers. To make a very conscientious effort to not let those triggers get to you.  Sometimes it is easy to fall back into our old routines and we can almost find comfort in letting those triggers set us off. It may take a little effort, a real concentrated effort to 'walk away' from those situations or people. Once you do that, it will become easier each day. You may have to change your routine, change who you associate with, write yourself a little reminder, and truly focus on you and your happiness, but I have faith in you. You can do this and I promise that with each day, it will become easier.

Next I mentioned to worry less about things out of your control. I know this can be very difficult, I have been there, but in order to relieve your stress, you must 'let go' of those things. I know, you're saying, "Easier said than done." There may be some truth in that, but if you truly love and respect yourself, than you have to find a way. It may be sharing those worries or problems with a good friend. It is amazing how when we share what is bothering us with someone, it can seem like a huge burden has been lifted. It may be as simple as just  getting the problem out there, you know, just saying it out loud. Maybe by sharing a friend or colleague may have a suggestion. At other times we simply have to turn over our problems to a much higher source. Let God carry that burden for you. Put you faith into Him and believe that between yourself and him, you find a solution. It may not always be the one you were looking for, but He will help you work through your problem. 

Now you will be ready to focus your time, thoughts and energy on all the blessings in your life. I think that we are living in a time where we all are trying much too hard to get too much done in too of little time. We often call it multi-tasking. Take a step away form all that and think about all the ways your life is blessed. Start with family and friends. Count those blessings with remembering what it is about all those people that puts that smile on your face. Keep those happy thoughts close to your heart. Maybe it's as simple as feeling blessed for your job. Feeling blessed for how that job helps you provide for yourself and your family. Taking time to count your blessings for all the opportunities that have come into you life. To feel blessed for waking up this morning,  for being healthy and for being able to make choices in your life. Blessed that you get to see another sunrise in the morning and to marvel in the wonderment of another beautiful sunset at night. 

Take time throughout the day to count your blessings. When you are starting to feel a little stressed, stop and focus on just one of your many blessings. Hold that thought close to your heart and I guarantee that stress will begin to fade. You'll feel more relaxed, feel those frown lines fade as a slow smile begins to beam across your face. That heart that was beginning to race will now begin to slow down along with your breathing. As you continue this over the upcoming weeks, you may find that you have more energy, that you are able to accomplish more and that you may have more time for those people in your life that are important. Ah, yes a few more blessings to count. 

Life List

  • To go on a cruise with Mark someday
  • To visit Hawaii someday
  • To work harder on maintaining the relationships I have
  • To start writing, journaling, poetry and children's books
  • To start living a more healthy life style