Sunday, April 14, 2019

Well, I have decided to choose an inspirational quote each week that some how either connects to my life or is a message I want to share based on the things that have happened the past week. I want to start focusing more on the positive elements in my life and those positive things around me. I hope that someone reading my blog or seeing my quote on Facebook will also benefit from the words of that quote or the meanings behind the words. 

I chose this one for my daughter. She is an amazing mom, a good friend and devoted to the students she works with. My hope for her, like many of us, is that she can let go of the things that trip her trigger, worry less about the things that may be out of her control, maybe share her burden with someone else to ease some of the stress or to turn her troubles over to God. That she will find more joy in all she does through her busy day. I hope that all my family and friends or anyone reading this can take a little extra time out of their day to enjoy the small things that bring true peace and happiness into their daily lives. 

I mentioned first to let go of the things that may set us off. If you are aware of what those triggers are for you, then either avoid the circumstances or people that will expose you to those triggers. To make a very conscientious effort to not let those triggers get to you.  Sometimes it is easy to fall back into our old routines and we can almost find comfort in letting those triggers set us off. It may take a little effort, a real concentrated effort to 'walk away' from those situations or people. Once you do that, it will become easier each day. You may have to change your routine, change who you associate with, write yourself a little reminder, and truly focus on you and your happiness, but I have faith in you. You can do this and I promise that with each day, it will become easier.

Next I mentioned to worry less about things out of your control. I know this can be very difficult, I have been there, but in order to relieve your stress, you must 'let go' of those things. I know, you're saying, "Easier said than done." There may be some truth in that, but if you truly love and respect yourself, than you have to find a way. It may be sharing those worries or problems with a good friend. It is amazing how when we share what is bothering us with someone, it can seem like a huge burden has been lifted. It may be as simple as just  getting the problem out there, you know, just saying it out loud. Maybe by sharing a friend or colleague may have a suggestion. At other times we simply have to turn over our problems to a much higher source. Let God carry that burden for you. Put you faith into Him and believe that between yourself and him, you find a solution. It may not always be the one you were looking for, but He will help you work through your problem. 

Now you will be ready to focus your time, thoughts and energy on all the blessings in your life. I think that we are living in a time where we all are trying much too hard to get too much done in too of little time. We often call it multi-tasking. Take a step away form all that and think about all the ways your life is blessed. Start with family and friends. Count those blessings with remembering what it is about all those people that puts that smile on your face. Keep those happy thoughts close to your heart. Maybe it's as simple as feeling blessed for your job. Feeling blessed for how that job helps you provide for yourself and your family. Taking time to count your blessings for all the opportunities that have come into you life. To feel blessed for waking up this morning,  for being healthy and for being able to make choices in your life. Blessed that you get to see another sunrise in the morning and to marvel in the wonderment of another beautiful sunset at night. 

Take time throughout the day to count your blessings. When you are starting to feel a little stressed, stop and focus on just one of your many blessings. Hold that thought close to your heart and I guarantee that stress will begin to fade. You'll feel more relaxed, feel those frown lines fade as a slow smile begins to beam across your face. That heart that was beginning to race will now begin to slow down along with your breathing. As you continue this over the upcoming weeks, you may find that you have more energy, that you are able to accomplish more and that you may have more time for those people in your life that are important. Ah, yes a few more blessings to count. 

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Life List

  • To go on a cruise with Mark someday
  • To visit Hawaii someday
  • To work harder on maintaining the relationships I have
  • To start writing, journaling, poetry and children's books
  • To start living a more healthy life style