Well, Mark and I survived Shantel's birthday party and sleepover with eight teenage girls. Actually, I must say they were very good and we really enjoyed having them all here for the night. I made tacos, Spanish rice, refired beans and homemade salsa. We had decided to have a game night, so the girls played games out in our 'craft' room off the garage. Mark and I gave Shantel the game 'Mad Gab' and the girls had a great time playing it.
I must tell the story about the 'coffee cake'. Shantel, like her dad, is not a big cake eater. She had told me that she wanted a coffee cake this year for her birhtday. So I told her that was fine and we'd just have her coffee cake for breakfast. The day before the party Shantel and I made peanut butter cookies for snacking on Friday night. Later on Thursday night Shantel asked if she was having a cake and I told her we were having her 'coffee cake' for breakfast. She looked a little confused and after discussing it, I came to realize she wanted a cake with coffee flavor, you know 'a mocha coffee cake' as she put it. So we went to the internet and found a recipe for a homemade yellow cake with a coffee glaze and then I frosted it with a mocha frosting. I did also make the planned coffee cake for breakfast. So whenever I think of 'coffee cake' I smile a little smile as I remember our communication gap.
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