Well the first week of January has come and gone. I've never been real great at making New Year's Resolutions, mainly because most of the times people in general do not stick to them. So this year I am not making one either, rather I am making a life change. I know I need to lose some weight, and I would really like to lose some weight. I also know in order to do that, I have to make some life changes. It would be great if there was some 'quick fix' for my weight dilemma, but unfortunately there just isn't a magic pill I can take one night to wake up thin the next morning. I have often thought how nice it would be to be able to do that, but then when I really contemplate the idea, realize there is not much reward in anything that doesn't take a little work getting to. I have contemplated the protein shake idea, read up on many different diets and have come to one conclusion, Weight Watchers will be the best for me. I know that part of my problem in being overweight is not just taking the weight off, but learning how to eat properly all the time. I like the taste of food. I like the experience of having different textures, tastes, spices hitting my tongue. So I will begin to monitor what I put into my mouth and how much of it I actually consume.
Along with that, I will have to begin a regular routine of exercising. I am going to aim for the little exercise sessions at this time. I know myself and if I commit to anything to much, I will not do it, so I am opting for short workouts 2-3 times a day. I am out of shape and need to get back to being more active and know I can only accomplish this by taking those baby steps. We have a new Snap Fitness in Rice now, and I would like to join that. Both Mark and I have talked about it, so we will have to look into it. It would be convenient because of the location, and I don;t think it would be too packed ever either. Again, baby steps will needed to be taken, otherwise it won't happen. Start small and work your way up Monica. I don't want to start this by doing so much that I give up in the first couple of weeks. I would also like to get Mark and i to do some games with he Wii to get our bodies moving a bit versus sitting on the couch with our computers.
I have taken a big step in making this a commitment, as I am weighing in at work every two weeks with two co-workers. We are also sharing our weight with each other, no that's a BIG leap. It will be good to have the accountability with someone else. It will also be great to have the support from these two good friends. Both Dawn and Mandy have great personalities and can bring humor to any situation. That may be helpful when I hit those plateaus that I know will come along my way during this journey to a new, more slender, healthier me.
In the picture above, there is a black dress that has been hanging in my closet waiting to be work for a couple of years. When I bought it, I thought I would lose some weight and be able to wear it soon. Well soon came and went now for several years and that dress is still waiting to hit the dance floor. It is now my goal to not only get the dress on (you see it has a little stretch in the fabric), but to look smoking hot in it from all directions with no fat rolls or tummy pouch showing.
So I will be posting my updates throughtout the year as how I am doing on my life change. Please give me encouragement throughtout the year as I begin this hew journey in my life. I;ve taken this journey before, but it will be different this time, for I am not as young as I once was when it was easier to make these changes. Hopefully, the body will respond in a positive way and support me along the way. I hope that everyone else that made some time of resolution this year will be able to fulfill their hopes and dreams also.
I am so proud of you!! I joined Weight Watchers before Thanksgiving and thankfully I maintained over the holidays! I haven't yet begun to add exercise..... but I know I need too. It's definitely a work in progress and you are right... baby steps! Let's encourage each other! I love you!
Nice photo! Hope your plans work out small and steady for you. :>) But I bet your Mark finds you beautiful now, too!
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