Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year-New Me Update

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my post and I've been working hard to stay true to my words. It is not easy to make a life change. The first week was pretty easy, I think mainly because it was new and right up front on your mind, but slowly my old habits start to creep in telling me, "It will be okay to just have one hershey kiss." Then at school I walk into the faculty lounge and it's just another manic Monday and someone has brought in dougnuts. I automatically reach for one, it's so second nature to just do it. Another moment comes when I'm making dinner and of course I'm hungry and the next thing I know I find myself reaching for one of those Mars cherry bites that I husband has (and they aren't even my favorite). Then I have to stop and remind myself of that promise I made to myself and shared with all my friends. I am going to make this change in my life and I won't let my old habits win! I have some very special reasons to make it work this year.

I have family that is very important to me. I want to be around for a long time to see grandchildren graduate, attend their weddings, even hold their children. I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. I want to be able to fit into some of those clothes hanging in my closet. I want to go shopping for something other than extra large or 1X, and wouldn't it be nice to slide easily into those desks at school with the chair attached to them! I will one day (sooner than later) hit my golden years. I want to enjoy them! It would be so nice to be healthy enough to travel around this country with Mark as we go through that golden time together and be able to truly enjoy it.

So my first weigh-in will be Friday. ( Several of us at school are weighing in every two weeks.) Hard to say how it will go. I step on my scale every morning. It has been looking good. I have been eating much healthier, especially at lunch and snacks. I found some wonderfully scrumptious sweet red peppers at Sam's Club, so I've been cutting one of them up every day for lunch and snacking. I've also make a sandwich every day, and have cut that to 1/2  of a sandwich. I 've been taking a couple servings of fruit and celery with me. I've also been drinking more water. I have been feeling better, more energy at night. I have not made much progress on the exercising. That has to be my next step. So that is my goal for the next several weeks to start an exercise program that I will be able to stick to. I won't try to take on the world, but rather start with something I know I can stick to and build upon. I have a CD by Kris Freytag that has multiple ten minute workouts. I feel that will be a good place to start, as I think I can probably hang in there for at least 10 minutes.

Well, that's it for now. I will report in again in a couple of weeks to let you know how everything is going. Wish me luck and if you happen to be around me, please encourage me to do this. Help me by not offering me chocolate, for if you know me, you know it's my downfall. Offer me some fruit, raw veggies or a diet pop. If I look like I'm having a rough day, give me a little bit of encouragement, and most important, just be my friend when I need one.


lisawallwork said...

You can do it Monica, it sounds like a lot of people are making lifestyle changes.!!

lisawallwork said...

You can do it Monica, it sounds like a lot of people are making lifestyle changes.!!

lisawallwork said...

You can do it Monica, it sounds like a lot of people are making lifestyle changes.!!

Life List

  • To go on a cruise with Mark someday
  • To visit Hawaii someday
  • To work harder on maintaining the relationships I have
  • To start writing, journaling, poetry and children's books
  • To start living a more healthy life style