Over the Memorial Day weekend, Mark and I worked on our gardens. Mark decided to move his tomato garden, so we turned the old tomato garden into a 'Rose Garden'. We put a fountain in the middle. I plan to make some mosaic stepping stones for the center of the garden and may possibly add some potted plants at the corners. I can hardly wait for the roses to bloom. Guess you can say the old song isn't true for me, you know "I beg you're pardon, I never promised you a rose garden", because I got mine!
My tulips are in full bloom, and they are starting to fill in nicely this year. They look so pretty and I think it means the spring is finally here in Minnesota. We go from 80 degrees yesterday to 50 degrees today, so it's hard to tell. I'm looking forward to my perenial garden this year, as it is really starting to fill in nicely. I'm going out to the farm that Mark grew up on to collect some rocks to edge the garden. Then I'm going to buy a nice swing and plan to spend many afternoons enjoying the flowers and the sound of the water as I sip a nice cool beverage of my choice. Maybe you'll have to come over and join me some afternoon!
1 comment:
Hi Monica,
You have a beautiful garden area,
so nice to see pictures of you and
your family. We are getting settled here in Alabama....it is really
pretty here and things are starting to fall into place. I will check
back again soon. Have a wonderful summer and say hi for me.
Mary Schroeder
302 Eagle Ridge Dr
New Market, AL 35761
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