With fall comes many things that are associated with this time of year. First of all, it's the State Fair. Mark and I went this year and took Shantel and her friend Megan. We had a great day, and luckily it did not rain on us. We were able to enjoy everything our little hearts desired from cheese curds, to fresh French fries in a cup, to mini donuts, to foot long corn dogs and of course, Sweet Martha's Cookies. We usually got just one and shared among us, that way we got to sample more. This year there was a new building featuring animals that were either about to give birth, giving birth or recently gave birth. I think our favorite was the little baby pigs. They are so cute! Well, after the girls said they were tired (of course Mark & I were too, just didn't let them know), we headed home. It started to rain on our way home, talk about timing.

Another thing that fall brings is the Albany Tractor show. This year we had Emma and Braiden with us. Of course Mark knew how to get there on the back roads. As we were heading there, Braiden said, "Nana, I think we're in the middle of nowhere." Guess he wasn't use to seeing so much open land with out many buildings. Both kids enjoyed the tractor parade. Braiden really enjoyed seeing the big land moving machines go by as they shook the ground. As we were looking at one booth flea market area Emma said, "Nana, I want to go to a different garage sale now." Of course we had to do the food thing there too. Started with cheese curds, nachos, malts, and ended with mini donuts. All that food is so good when it is so fresh! We watched them saw boards, rode around and looked at tractors. It's great to have the chance to see the world through my grandchildren's eyes. We all had a good day.

Going back to my own childhood, I remember jumping into the big leave piles on the farm. Braiden and Emma were up last weekend, and I managed to get a pile of leaves together using Josh's leaf blower and the rake. I fought the wind, but found I was a little sheltered in the front yard. So I got a big pile of leaves together and Braiden and Emma jumped into the leaves. It brought back memories of when I was little and Tom and I would jump into the leaves on the farm. It brought back thoughts of my parents and the good times we had on the farm. Our memories are ours, and no one can ever take them from us. We are fortunate that we can choose the memories we want to hold on to and let the others go. I hope you take a lttle time today to remember somethig good from your past.

And this fall brought Mark & I being invited to the St. Cloud Singles Alumni dance. It was great to see our friends in the setting that brought us together. It's hard to believe that a year has passed since our wedding already. It has been a good year, even with a few bumps in the road. It is so good to have someone to share those bumps with and to support you through tougher times. I am so glad that I have Mark in my life and thankful for all my family and friends. I hope you take time today to think about those important in your life and to let them know. I was watching John Edwards last night on television. In case you're unfamiliar with him, he is a medium that reads for members of his audience as he connects them with those who have passed. At the end of his show, he said that we should let those people in our lives know how important they are while they are living, as he has so many ask for this after they have passed. How true, let's all try to stay in touch, re-connect and continue to let our family and friends know we care.
Thanks for posting!! I absolutely loved reading this and see the pictures! Love you!
I love the new look of your blog!
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