At the end of July, Shantel & I went to visit a friend I taught with when I lived down there. Chris & her niece Jennifer had visited us last year. This year it was our turn to journey their way. Of course we picked the hottest weekend of the summer, but we spent a day in the pool at 'Fish & Fun' where Chris' parents have a cabin and a day at the Water Park in Rockford, Illinois. We also found a shopping center with great air conditioning, so we also got a little shopping in. The picture's of Shantel & Jennifer on a scuplture at Starved Rock Park.

When I returned from Illinois, I had two extra passengers. While in Illinois, I met Mark's daughter and husband, Shannon & Jeff near Chicago for lunch and to pick up Mark's grandchildren, Michael & Grace. It was so wonderful to have them spend time with us. I do have to say though, that I forgot how tired one can get having kids around. They were great kids, but you forget how much work it is, cooking, cleaning, laundry and all. Made me appreciate what my daughter & daughter-in-law go through every week. The picture is from when Michael & Grace went miniature golfing with Braiden & Emma.

We were glad to have a family together before Shannon & family headed back to Michigan. We had a family picnic at our house and it was a beautiful day. Mark and Shaun got the fence done in the backyard, so we had privacy for our picnic. It was fun to have everyone here for the day. We are already plainning for a picnic next summer when Shannon & family come for another visit. We hope to get even more family and friends gathered for that one. My reflections have centered around family and friends, how appropriate.